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About a Ductless Mini Split System

Heat or cool the rooms you want and don’t want too. A ductless mini split system, is just that ductless. These are common types of units that you would find in a hotel. Newer developments and homes are starting to utilize ductless systems more. They are simple to use, easy to install and provide more control over your heating and cooling.

  • Ductless systems have two components
  • Indoor unit that handles the air
  • Outdoor condenser

If you are looking to control just one room, a single ductless mini split system would be the right choice for you. This will service up to a 1,000 sqft room. Units also have up to four ports that will host and zone various areas throughout the home. Multi split systems still have an easy installation that use no bulky ductwork or noisy outdoor compressor units.


  • Save money. Ductless systems operate on less energy because they deliver air directly to a specific room. This means that in the long run you are able to save money on the cost of your utility bills. This is extremely beneficial since in recent years the cost of utilities is rapidly increasing.
  • Direct air. Traditional systems that use a furnace or air conditioning unit have air that travels through ductwork. Ductless systems release hot or cold air directly into a specified area of the home. These systems allow the homeowner to more accurately control the temperature and where conditioned air is going.
  • Increase in indoor air quality. The air coming from a ductless system is more clean because it first offers a multi-step filtration system. More particles, dust, pollution and contaminants filters out of the air. Also, there are no ducts for the air to travel through. The air doesn’t pick up extra debris as it travels through the system.
  • Easy install. Ductless systems are easy to install. All it takes is electricity and the ability to mount it to your wall. They do require some piping but that will only take about a three inch hole.

Now Heating & Air
8661 Rosemary St
Commerce City, CO 80022

Phone 303-287-8000