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Commercial HVAC, Plumbing, & Electrical Services in Denver

You are busy running your business… NOW Services and our Partners are here to assist you and your clients with projects large and small. We offer full-service HVAC, Plumbing and Electrical work, and we can continue to service equipment after your project is completed. We have been servicing the Denver Metro and Flatirons area for over 30 years. This has built a reputation you can count on.

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  • Commercial Installation
  • Service & Maintenance
  • AC, Furnace & Air Handlers
  • Rooftop Units
  • High Efficiency Heat Pumps
  • Combination Boilers

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  • Panel Upgrades
  • Surge Protection
  • Rewires
  • Fixture Installation
  • New Circuits
  • Generators

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  • Tank / Tankless Water Heaters
  • Boilers
  • Re-Pipes
  • Remodels
  • Fixture Installation
  • Underground Pipe Repair


Trust Us for All Your Commercial HVAC, Electrical, & Plumbing Needs

HVAC MaintenaceWhen you need comprehensive HVAC, plumbing, or electric services for your commercial property, we’re the team you can trust. We offer a wide range of repair, installation, and replacement services to ensure your property’s systems are up-to-date, safe for use, and compliant with local laws. well-maintained systems can improve the aesthetics and value of your property, help lower energy costs, and provide better safety for your occupants.

Learn more about our comprehensive services, including the following:

HVAC Installs
Sewer Lines

What We Provide

Furnace Repair

During Colorado’s cold front, a homeowner’s worst nightmare is a malfunctioning furnace. Homeowners need to be aware that just because a furnace is functioning doesn’t mean that it is working safely or efficiently. That is why our technicians are available in the Denver area. Call us today for a free quote on a furnace repair.
Furnace Repair Services »

Air Conditioning Repair

If you’re experiencing an AC unit malfunction, our team will react promptly and use the proper tools and equipment to get the job done. From making simple adjustments to complete system overhauls, we deliver a blend of professionalism and honesty. You’ll value our detailed attention and competitive pricing.
Air Conditioning Services »

Water Heater Repair

We understand that having a water heater emergency requires a sense of urgency. Our 24-hour emergency service ensures that you won’t be charged overtime or for a trip charge with repairs. Our technicians have seen it all. With our continuous training and experience in the industry, you can trust our team to repair your water heater today.
Water Heater Services »

Boiler Repair

Our goal at Now Heating and Air is to provide expert service for residential and commercial boilers. If your home needs a boiler service or repair, call us today to schedule an appointment in Denver and the surrounding areas. Whether you need a new system installation or a system retrofit, our professional technicians will assess your needs.
Boiler Repair Services »

Mini Ductless Systems

Going with a mini ductless AC system offers many perks. While most people have had a chance to look at ductless heating and cooling systems, or maybe they’ve seen a small device on the wall there are still quite a few questions about how they work and what the advantage is. Our team can help you make the best decision on a mini ductless system.
Mini Ductless Installation »

Air Duct Cleaning

Air Duct Cleaning provided Now Heating and Air is the most sought-after air duct cleaning service in Denver, CO. Clean air ducts are an important component to having a clean home, and therefore it can be a great idea to clean your vent system. Clean air can promote healthy living and may also minimize reactionary symptoms due to poor indoor air quality.
Air Duct Cleaning »

Your Local Commercial HVAC, Electrical, & Plumbing Leader

Since 1989, we have provided expert service for commercial HVAC installation, repair, and maintenance in Denver, Boulder, and the surrounding areas. Whether you need new system installation or system retrofit, our professional technicians will assess your needs and provide a system for your home or business that will exceed your expectations.

Now Heating & Air
8661 Rosemary St
Commerce City, CO 80022

Phone 303-287-8000