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At NOW Heating & Air, we specialize in providing top-tier commercial air conditioning services to keep businesses in Denver, Colorado, cool and comfortable year-round. Our team of licensed professionals is committed to delivering reliable and energy-efficient solutions, ensuring your commercial space maintains the ideal temperature for employees and customers alike. From routine maintenance and emergency repairs to full system installations and upgrades, we have the experience and expertise to handle all your cooling needs.

We work with all major brands and system types, offering customized solutions that improve performance and reduce energy costs. Trust NOW Heating & Air to keep your business running smoothly with expert commercial air conditioning services tailored to your needs.


Businesses in Denver depend on efficient air conditioning systems to maintain a comfortable and productive environment, especially during the hot summer months. Whether you’re upgrading to a more energy-efficient system or need urgent repairs, professional air conditioning services are essential. Some of the most common cooling needs for commercial properties include:

Air Conditioning System Installation & Upgrades – As your business grows, so do your cooling demands. We install and upgrade commercial air conditioning systems, ensuring optimal performance, energy efficiency, and long-term reliability.

AC Maintenance & Tune-Ups – Regular maintenance is key to keeping your air conditioning system running smoothly. Our expert technicians provide inspections, cleanings, and tune-ups to maximize efficiency and prevent costly breakdowns.

Repairs & Emergency Services – A sudden AC failure can disrupt operations and create an uncomfortable indoor environment. We offer prompt, professional repair services to quickly restore cooling and keep your business running.

Ductwork & Ventilation Services – Proper airflow is essential for consistent cooling throughout your building. We provide ductwork installation, repair, and cleaning services to improve indoor air quality and energy efficiency.

Air Conditioning System Inspections – Regular inspections help identify potential issues before they become costly problems. Our thorough system evaluations ensure your cooling system is safe, compliant, and operating at peak performance.

For expert commercial air conditioning services in Denver, trust our team to keep your business cool, efficient, and comfortable all year long.


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Denver’s Most Trusted HVAC Contractor for Homeowners and Businesses

Now Heating & Air
8661 Rosemary St
Commerce City, CO 80022

Phone 303-287-8000