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Air Conditioning Services > AC Installation

Air Conditioning System Installation and Replacement

The weather in Denver can be very unpredictable, and you can never be too prepared. At NOW Heating and Air, we’re dedicated to providing customers with the comfort they deserve in their homes for a fair price. No job is too large or small, so we can take on any AC installation you’ve got for us. We take the time to listen to your concerns and provide you with affordable solutions and estimates. If you have an existing system that no longer serves you, our AC replacement service will bring you up to date while removing your worn out system.


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AC Experts You Can Trust

As the seasons change in Denver, having a reliable air conditioning system becomes essential to combat the summer heatwaves that sweep through our city. At Now Heating & Air, we’re Denver’s trusted experts in AC installation and replacement, bringing years of experience and local expertise to every project. Whether you’re upgrading your home in the vibrant neighborhoods of RiNo or installing a new system for your business in the bustling Denver Tech Center, our team is here to ensure your comfort all year round.

Denver’s unique climate and elevation require HVAC solutions that are tailored to our specific needs. Our technicians understand the challenges posed by high altitude, temperature fluctuations, and dry air, and we’ll work closely with you to design and install a system that meets your exact requirements. From selecting the right size and efficiency rating for your space to navigating local building codes and regulations, we’ll handle every aspect of your AC installation or replacement with professionalism and care.




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Determining the Best System for Your Home

Once we’ve discussed your comfort concerns, we’ll be able to determine which type of AC is best for your home. We will inform you of any rebates available on the parts you need as well as any financing options that may exist for your unit. We also offer a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee, which means that if you aren’t fully satisfied, our team will do everything possible to make sure that you are.

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Years of Experience


5-Star Reviews


Happy Clients


Most Heat Pump Rebates

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Air Conditioning Units We Can Install

AC installation and AC replacement provides an opportunity to get just the right cooling system installed in your home. We can help you chose from a variety of system types and manufacturers to find the perfect setup for your home’s needs.

Ductless Mini Split

Cool just a few rooms with a ductless system that will easily blend in with your room design.

Evaporative Coolers

If you only need a single room cooled, fit an evaporative cooler to the window of that room.

Central Air Conditioning

For effective whole-house cooling, opt for central air conditioning so the whole family stays cool.

Denver’s Most Trusted HVAC Contractor for Homeowners and Businesses

Now Heating & Air
8661 Rosemary St
Commerce City, CO 80022

Phone 303-287-8000