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Air Conditioning Services > Maintenance & Repair

AC Service & Repair

If you’re experiencing an AC unit malfunction, our team will react promptly and use the proper tools and equipment to get the job done. Our friendly HVAC repairmen are always punctual and strongly devoted to each client. From making simple adjustments to complete system overhauls, we deliver a blend of professionalism and honesty. You’ll value our detailed attention and competitive pricing.



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Trusted Professionals in Denver

When the scorching summer sun beats down in Denver, having a reliable air conditioning system is not just a luxury – it’s a necessity. At Now Heating & Air, we’re proud to be Denver’s go-to experts for all things AC service & maintenance. From the bustling streets of Downtown Denver to the cozy neighborhoods of Washington Park, we understand the importance of staying cool and comfortable in our vibrant city.

Denver’s unique climate presents its own set of challenges for HVAC systems, with hot summer days often giving way to chilly evenings and sudden temperature swings. That’s why our team of experienced technicians is specially trained to handle the diverse needs of Denver residents and businesses. Whether you’re in the historic district of Larimer Square or the suburban enclave of Stapleton, you can trust us to keep your AC running smoothly, rain or shine.

HVAC installation

Minimal Downtime

Having a broken air cooling appliance can be highly disruptive and inconvenient. We’ll quickly troubleshoot the problem so that you can go back to having a comfortable environment. We service all makes of equipment and have convenient financing available with approved credit. Please give us a call today for more information. Our technicians are available in Denver and surrounding areas.

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Years of Experience


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Common AC Problems We Fix

When your AC stops functioning properly, it’s usually due to one of a number of common issues, such as a blocked condensate drain, a burnt-out compressor motor, blower troubles, dirty coils, leaking refrigerant or leaking ductwork. When something goes awry we will send one of our expert HVAC repairman, experienced in diagnosing AC issues and can give you a swift repair. Contact us for an on-site inspection and a free quote today.

Denver’s Most Trusted HVAC Contractor for Homeowners and Businesses

Now Heating & Air
8661 Rosemary St
Commerce City, CO 80022

Phone 303-287-8000