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Electrical Outlet and Switch installation services


Installing Electrical Outlets

Electrical outlet installation.

Ensuring the safety and convenience of your home begins with professional electrical outlet installation. At Now Heating and Air, our certified electricians are experts in installing a variety of electrical outlets to meet your requirements. Whether you need standard duplex outlets, USB outlets for modern charging needs, or GFCI outlets for enhanced safety in bathrooms and kitchens, we’ve got you covered.

Our team is also skilled at installing tamper-resistant outlets to keep your family safe, 240-volt outlets for heavy appliances, and smart outlets for seamless integration with your home automation system. Relying on our licensed and insured electricians guarantees not only functional and accessible power sources but also the highest standards of safety and efficiency. With our professional installation, your home will have the electrical access points to support all your power needs, making your living space both practical and safe.


Installing Light Switches

Light switch installation.

Upgrading the functionality and style of your home starts with expert switch installation. At Now Heating and Air, our certified electricians specialize in installing a wide range of switches to suit your specific needs. Whether you need single-pole switches for simple on/off control, three-way switches for convenience in multiple locations, or dimmer switches to create the perfect ambiance, we’ve got you covered.

Our team is also proficient in installing modern rocker switches, smart switches for home automation, and motion sensor switches for added security and energy efficiency. Trusting our licensed and insured electricians ensures not only the reliability and ease of use of your switches but also the highest standards of safety and efficiency. With our expert installation, your home will be equipped with the switches that let you control where and how your lights and outlets work.

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Type of Electrical Outlets we Install:

Standard duplex outlets, GFCI outlets, USB outlets, tamper-resistant outlets, 240-volt outlets, smart outlets, weather-resistant outdoor outlets, and more!

Type of Light Switches we Install:

Single-pole switches, three-way switches, dimmer switches, rocker switches, smart switches, motion sensor switches, switch and outlet combos, and more!


Years of Experience


5-Star Reviews


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Denver’s Most Trusted Electrical Contractor for Homeowners and Businesses

Now Heating & Air
8661 Rosemary St
Commerce City, CO 80022

Phone 303-287-8000