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Now Heating & Air – Denver’s Premier Heating Service Provider

heating side callout

If you’re in the Denver area and looking for trusted heating experts, Now Heating and Air is your go-to choice for all your heating needs. With deep roots in the Denver community, our team is composed of local professionals who are highly trained and dedicated to keeping your home warm and comfortable throughout Colorado’s cold winter months.

From furnaces to boilers, heat pumps to mini-splits, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of every home. Read on to discover what the experienced heating contractors at Now Heating and Air can do to ensure your comfort all winter long!

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At Now Heating and Air, we provide a full spectrum of heating solutions designed to maintain a comfortable and efficient home throughout the winter season. Our skilled technicians specialize in everything from installation and maintenance to repairs and system upgrades, ensuring your heating system performs at its best, even in the toughest Colorado conditions.

For homes relying on furnaces, we handle installation, repair, and regular tune-ups, helping you achieve optimal warmth and energy efficiency. If you use a boiler system, our experts offer repair, replacement, and system evaluations to ensure your boiler continues to deliver steady, reliable heat. For homes interested in heat pumps and ductless mini-split systems, we provide installation and maintenance services that support both heating and cooling needs. These energy-efficient options are perfect for maintaining comfortable temperatures year-round and are ideal for both entire homes and hard-to-heat spaces.

Our team is also available for emergency repairs, providing quick, reliable service when you need it most. We are committed to offering top-quality workmanship with every call and a comprehensive approach that includes detailed assessments and recommendations tailored to your home’s unique heating needs. Whatever your requirements, Now Heating and Air is here to ensure warmth and comfort in every corner of your home.


We offer furnace repair and replacement services. Whether your furnace is on its last leg or has just stopped working altogether, we can help! Our knowledgeable technicians will assess the situation quickly, diagnose any issues with your system, and provide a detailed estimate of repairs or replacements before getting to work. We also carry a full line of new furnaces from trusted brands so that if it turns out that your furnace needs replacing, they can take care of that too!


Boiler Repair & Replacement

In addition to furnaces, Now Heating and Air offer boiler repair and replacement services as well. Boilers are a great way to keep warm during the cold winter months without having to worry about running up expensive energy bills. The technicians at Now Heating and Air can inspect your existing boiler system for any signs of wear or damage, as well as provide an estimate for repairs or replacements before getting started. We carry a variety of different brands so you can be sure that you’re getting quality products at an affordable price.

Boiler Repair & Replacement

Ductless Mini-Splits

Now Heating and Air also offer ductless mini-split systems which are ideal for those rooms that are hard to heat or cool. Ductless mini-split systems consist of an outdoor unit (which houses the compressor) connected by refrigerant lines to one or more indoor units (which house the fans). These systems allow you to control the temperature in specific parts of your home without having to use central air conditioning or heating systems – saving money while still keeping comfortable temperatures throughout the year!

Mini-Split Installation & Repair Services

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are a great way to heat your home during the winter months while also providing cooling during the summer months. Heat pumps use energy-efficient technology to transfer hot or cold air efficiently. Our experienced technicians will evaluate your home's needs and recommend the best heat pump system for you. Whether you need a new installation or maintenance on an existing system, we've got you covered. We carry a wide range of high-quality heat pumps from trusted brands, ensuring you get the best performance and reliability.

Heat Pumps


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Contact Now Heating & Air Today

No matter what kind of heating service you’re looking for this winter, Now Heating and Air in Denver has you covered! We provide a complete range of services, including furnace repair and replacement, boiler repair and replacement, and the installation of energy-efficient ductless mini-splits that are perfect for those difficult-to-heat rooms. Our experienced and knowledgeable technicians will thoroughly assess your heating system, quickly identifying any issues so you’re not left out in the cold this season.

We take pride in delivering reliable, high-quality heating solutions that prioritize comfort and efficiency. Whether you’re in need of a quick repair, a seasonal tune-up, or a brand-new system, our team offers a variety of quality products and services designed to meet your budget and keep your home cozy all winter long. So, don’t let the cold catch you off guard—reach out to Now Heating and Air today and experience the difference that expert service can make!

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See What Our Customers Are Saying

Heating Services for Year-Round Comfort

Ensure your home stays warm during Denver’s cold months with expert heating services. From furnace repairs to boiler installations, our team guarantees efficient, reliable solutions tailored to your needs. Let us help maintain your comfort all year long.

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Denver’s Most Trusted HVAC Contractor for Homeowners and Businesses

Now Heating & Air
8661 Rosemary St
Commerce City, CO 80022

Phone 303-287-8000