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Heating Services > Furnace Repair

Furnace Repair & Services in Denver, CO

Maintaining a comfortable temperature inside your home or business premises is essential for keeping everything working and operating smoothly. To do this, you need to have a functional furnace that will supply you with enough heat throughout the year. However, there are times when your furnace may not operate to its full potential, or it may start exhibiting malfunctions that will require repair or replacement.

A major benefit of hiring experienced furnace repair professionals is that they can identify the exact cause of the problem and provide the most appropriate solution to meet your needs. Luckily, there is a wide range of affordable furnace repair services that can be expected from reputable companies like Now Heating and Air. We have been delivering professional furnace repair, furnace tune up, and furnace installation services in Denver, CO for over a decade, and have acquired an extensive knowledge in dealing with every single kind of furnace issue.

Furthermore, we are fully committed to completing our work with utmost precision, professionalism and quality in order to ensure that our customers are satisfied and have complete faith in our services. When you need a heating repairman contact Now Heating and Air and get rapid turn-around to make sure your home stays warm.

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Furnace Maintenance & Repair Services in Denver, CO

Furnace Maintenance & Repair Services

Furnace repair is an intricate task, especially when it comes to maintaining and repairing central heating and cooling systems. It requires a complete understanding of the technology employed in the systems as well as adequate experience. Such systems are a staple in every household nowadays, especially with the chilly winters in Denver, CO. The many different types of furnaces available in the market are also not easy to install and repair. That is why we at Now Heating and Air have invested in employing only skilled and experienced professionals in Denver Metro Area. Our professionals have undergone rigorous training so that they are able to handle any type of furnace repair and installation service that you might need, from repairing your forced air furnace to installing a gas furnace to repairing a heater. It does not matter what type of furnace you have, when you call on us, we will be able to provide expert services for your furnace repair and installation needs, guaranteed! That is why we promise to deliver a top-notch service every time!


Years of Experience


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Most Heat Pump Rebates

Specialized Furnace Repair Service in Denver, CO

Specialized Furnace Repair Service

We understand that all furnace repair service is different, and we have the expertise to deal with every kind of furnace issue. A furnace is quite expensive, which is why you need to choose a company that will not just be able to repair it for you but will also be able to provide maintenance services to prolong its lifespan. Moreover, we do not believe in using substandard parts when repairing furnaces and are only reliant on high-quality parts from renowned brands. Our in-depth furnace repair training and thorough furnace repair experience allow us to execute repairs accurately, efficiently, and with minimal noise and disruption. From the moment you call us for assistance to the completion of the repair, we will be there with you every step of the way, giving you an unparalleled service experience.

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See What Our Customers Are Saying

Why Choose Us?

Professionals Who Care

Our furnace repair professionals have undergone rigorous training to equip them with the knowledge and expertise needed to tackle the most complicated furnace issues. The extensive training we offer empowers our professionals to provide seamless furnace repair services that are tailored to meet the individual needs of our customers. Whether you have a simple problem or need furnace repair services for more complex issues, you can rest assured that we will be able to provide a solution that fits your needs.

Efficient Work

We understand that furnace repair is something you would not want to go through again any time soon. That is why we strive to finish each job as efficiently as possible while ensuring that the job is done right the first time. We take great pride in working hard and doing whatever it takes to get your furnace back up and running in no time at all! This is also one of the main reasons why so many customers choose us for their furnace repair service. For more details, contact us today!

High-Quality Parts

Your furnace plays a vital role in providing warmth and comfort to your household, office, or other business premises. Thus, any furnace repair service is only as good as the quality of parts and equipment used. We at Now Heating and Air are aware of this, which is why we use only high-quality parts from renowned brands when providing furnace repair services.

Affordable Rates

Our customers are our top priority, which is why we make sure that our furnace repair services are affordable and meet the budget of each customer. Furnace repair is not something you want to go through again any time soon, so you should choose a furnace repair service that is not only capable but also affordable. With our top-notch furnace repair services in Denver, CO, you can expect nothing but the best!

Easy Scheduling

While furnace repair work is a necessity, it can get in the way of your daily life, especially if your furnace breaks down during the peak of winter. Our furnace repair specialists will arrive at your doorstep on time for your appointment and can have your furnace up and running within a short period of time. That is another reason why we are one of the top choices for furnace repair services in Denver, CO!

Specialized Furnace Maintenance Service in Denver, CO

Service Highlights

  • Cracked heat exchanger repair
  • Dirty filter replacement
  • Ignition problem diagnostics
  • Improper ventilation services
  • Mechanical repairs
  • Thermostat repairs
  • No trip charge with repairs
  • Same-day service offered
  • Three-year repair service guarantee
  • Rebates offered for new systems
  • Free maintenance membership program with service
  • Free furnace with select AC packages

Don’t Wait for a Furnace Malfunction

During Colorado’s cold front, a homeowner’s worst nightmare is a malfunctioning furnace. Homeowners need to be aware that just because a furnace is functioning doesn’t mean that it is working safely or efficiently. We want your home to be as comfortable as possible. That is why our technicians are available in the Denver area. Below are some of the services we provide.

Furnace Certification & Full Safety Check

You want to be sure that all of your systems are running efficiently before buying or selling a home. We assure buyers, sellers, and realtors that by choosing NOW Heating and Air, you are choosing a reputable, licensed and insured company. NOW Heating and Air performs furnace certifications, including a full safety check on your furnace. Call us today for a full inspection and tune-up.

Denver’s Most Trusted HVAC Contractor for Homeowners and Businesses

Now Heating & Air
8661 Rosemary St
Commerce City, CO 80022

Phone 303-287-8000